Fu Bao’s Journey

As the sun rose over the misty bamboo forests of Sichuan, China, excitement filled the air. Fu Bao, a young giant panda, lay lazily on a branch, nibbling on bamboo. Little did she know, today would change her life forever.

In the distance, Fu Bao noticed some people approaching. Coming so early was unusual for them, but she was used to human visitors. Today, however, they seemed different—focused and hurried. She tilted her head curiously as one of the keepers who had cared for her since birth stepped closer.

“Time to go, Fu Bao,” he whispered softly.

Though she didn’t understand his words, she followed her favorite caretaker’s scent to a large crate nearby. Hesitant but trusting, she stepped inside, drawn by the treats hidden within. The doors gently closed behind her, and with that, Fu Bao’s journey began.

Hours later, Fu Bao found herself surrounded by new sounds—loud humming and strange vibrations. Her crate had been loaded onto a large airplane, bound for a faraway country. The humans spoke about “loan agreements” and “ten years”—words that meant nothing to her. All she knew was that life was about to change.

The flight was long, but Fu Bao slept peacefully, unaware of the world shifting below her. When she woke, the air smelled different—cooler, crisper. As her crate was unloaded, Fu Bao blinked at the light of a new sky. She had arrived in the United States.

Her new home was a vast zoo in Washington, D.C. Tall trees lined her enclosure, and a fresh pile of bamboo awaited. The air carried unfamiliar scents, but it was peaceful. Fu Bao explored, feeling the grass under her paws and the cool breeze in her fur.

The humans who greeted her spoke a language she didn’t understand, but their tones were kind. A zookeeper offered her bamboo shoots, just like those from home. Cautiously, Fu Bao took a bite. It tasted the same.

A few days later, something unusual happened. A group of schoolchildren arrived for an event, and one boy held a colorful dragon-shaped kite. Fu Bao watched, fascinated. Suddenly, a gust of wind pulled the kite from the boy’s hands, and it landed in her enclosure. The children gasped, but Fu Bao, curious, padded over to it. She pawed the kite gently, then grabbed its tail, tugging it playfully.

The zookeepers rushed over but stopped when they saw Fu Bao rolling around with her new “toy.” The children burst into laughter, their initial worry fading.

From that day on, Fu Bao became an even bigger star. Her playful encounter with the kite spread across social media, and she became a beloved figure.

Though Fu Bao had come to the United States for ten long years, she was no longer afraid. This new place, filled with adventures, friends, and even kites, felt like home—for now.

Written by Dahlia Neuman from Darien, CT